19 Oct 2012

Everything Breaks

The March of the Yummy Mummys

here they come
the Yummy Mummies
two abreast
and yoga thin tummies
cutting a swathe
with their three wheeler buggies
and a special compartment
for organic Huggies
yikes! here they come
straight from Pilates
baby on board
and strange shaped tomatoes
Peruvian bonnet
emblazoned with “Dora”
but you’re getting all angsty
whilst reading my aura
yes here they are
multi-tasking abilities
and hell to pay
if no changing facilities
Orange Wednesday
is a self-help movie
a coffee colonic
and detox smoothie

at the Wholefoods Store
“is one partial to pasta?”
but i’m only two months
dwells Baby Jocasta
“Oik! out of my way”
“can’t you see i’m with child?”
as they roadblock the aisles
in what was Fresh and Wild
plan your escape
at The Farmer’s Market
but they’ll run over your toes
cos there’s nowhere to park it
like Stepford Wives
they’ve all now taken over
one babycino
and another Pavlova
commandeered all the tables
along the pavement caffs
long since dead Cappucinos
but still chatter for laughs
so please heed my advice
if you like to keep calm
give them all a wide BIRTH
for they’ve scarce notion of charm