2 Nov 2013

All Washed Up

a twisted piece of driftwood
rolling back and forth upon the ebb and flow
of a lunar tide
so gently was i rocked to sleep……

and later….listless
under a vibrant moon
(she also took a shine to me)
and i wondered why?
and what she saw?
as she
gathered me up close
and clutched me to her youthful heart

others had walked this way before
but quickly passed
along that shore…….

so you took me home
for a closer inspection
and i was surprised at
how soon and deftly
you went to work
sanding away at all my rough edges

and then came
the introductions……
to the movers and shakers
the midnight philosophers
and wannabe fakers

and the revelry went on
for many a fine moon
and still many moons more
until one day
the music stopped

a twisted piece of driftwood
rolling back and forth upon the ebb and flow
of a lunar tide
so gently was i rocked to sleep……

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